Extensive help is provided in HTML format. You will need Netscape or Mosaic to use it properly.
This document gives a very brief introduction to MiniCD: what is it and how the basic features work.
What is MiniCD?
MiniCD is an application for controlling your computer's CD player. It is very small on screen, so that it can be loaded on startup and tucked away at the edge of your monitor.
MiniCD works with Track Sets, unlike other CD players which just start at the start and play through to the end of a CD.
A CD can have as many track sets as you wish. A track set contains any number of tracks in any order.
There are nine controls in this window, organised into three lines:
Top Line
Eject Play / Stop Pause Volume
Middle Line
Auto Repeat Track Select
Bottom Line
Fast Rewind Time display Fast Forward
Track Select
When you click on this, a menu pops up showing all tracks on the CD. Choose a track from to play, or choose 'Edit Tracks' to change the track names. Choose 'Track Set Options' to define and select different track orders.
Time Display
Clicking on this displays a popup menu where you can select time remaining / elapsed for the current track or the whole set of tracks currently playing. You can also get the track name to scroll along the time display by choosing 'Show Name'.
Track Sets - advanced features
All the features described below are accessed from the 'Edit Track Sets' window, itself accessed from the 'Track Set Options' sub-popup-menu.
Random - Generates a random set
Sort - Sorts tracks in a set into logical order.
All - Puts all tracks into a set in logical order.
Generate (for copying to tape) - Makes two sets, one for side A and one for side B. The tracks on side A are carefully selected so as to leave the smallest gap as possible on the end of the tape.
Preview and Print - Will take the two sets generated above, and use Quickdraw GX to print out a tape inlay card or an on-screen preview.
Don't forget. Two UK Pounds.
Further Help
See HTML format help files (Netscape or equivalent required to read)
e-mail me (but don't expect major help before you register). Address only active until June 15th, 1996. It is :